As was said before I made a photobook of some of the 35mm film photos i took using Lomography Lomochrome purple film. This was based on some encouragement by another photographer who also started making books of his work. The photographer had also knew of a seen my UNEEQ series of photos and had always said to make make a photobook of the series. I always had wanted to shoot more for the series but time kept going and going without it happening. So one day I selected all the images I wanted to edit and show and finally created a monster 8×12, 100 page hardcover photobook! a one of a kind unique itself complete book of the UNEEQ series. Very VERY Happy with how it came together and came out.

Now i’ve been shooting 35mm film since starting again with a roll of lomochrome purple since 2019. Shooting film while i like the results and the look of film it was getting a bit stale and unexciting as the time moved on and there felt like fewer and fewer things I wanted to take 35mm film pics of. Getting through a roll of 36 shots was getting harder and harder, and a roll would take weeks to finish. I decided I would stop shooting film and go back to just shoot digital images. With that decision I decided and did make a photobook of my best 35mm shots. Was also very happy with that and was going through the few rolls of 35mm film I had left when yet again I was talking to that photographer…

He had been considering shooting film starting with 35mm, but was looking at medium format film photography. I had always thought about I and considered it. I had looked at some cameras on Ebay and did some research, just some and on an impulse and a whim purchased a Pentax 645 medium format camera. I put it through a few rolls including a studio shoot, A first for myself, and just loving it. There’s only 15 shots per roll of 120 film so each shot really has to be thought out and shot with more purpose so to speak. Some film especially in 35mm is scarce and the price of film in 35mm has skyrocketed, that and the cost of developing and scanning from a photolab, film photography is expensive. But for now I am bringing out my small tank that in the Pentax 645 and enjoying the film “magic” that it creates. Looking forward to creating more images in 120 film and the photobooks that will arise from them.